ECBA exam guidelines and details

There are many certifications in every field. The number of certified professionals is increasing every year. No matter what field you choose, you need to have a certification to stand out from others. Among all the other certifications in business analysis, ECBA is very famous for being the 1st choice of individuals to enter the business analysis field.

There are many certifications in which you have to prepare very hard to pass the exam like PMP exam prep for the PMP exam in project management. But EBA is quite easy and it will be a perfect doorway for you to enter the business analysis.

ECBA Exam 

As I mentioned earlier, ECBA certification and the exam both are very easy compared to other exams. Just by reading the BABOK, you can pass the exam. And there is no negative marking so it will also help you to get a high score. But you need to know the guidelines of the ECBA exam.

ECBA exam guidelines

There are some guidelines provided by the IIBA, which you need to follow to participate in the ECBA certification. These guidelines are given below.

  1. You do not need to have any experience to apply for the ECBA certification. If you are interested in business analysis, then you can just apply for the ECBA certification.
  2. The questions of the ECBA the exam is direct and not so hard. As the certification is an entry-level, the questions in the exam are very basic related to business analysis.
  3. Compared to other certifications, the fee of ECBA certification is lower. If you are a member of IIBA, then you will have to pay a lot less.

Things required for ECBA exam

You need many things to appear in the exam. As the ECBA exam is a live computer-generated exam, you will need a working computer to give the exam. Along with it, you will need to have a stable internet connection, microphone, and webcam to appear in the exam. You can do the exam from anywhere but the exam will be supervised by someone.

If you are a fresher or new to the domain of business analysis, then ECBA certification is perfect for you. Read the above-information to know about the ECBA exam. 

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